
Terre di Toscana – The best wines arrive in Versilia (7-8 March)

Terre di Toscana – The best wines arrive in Versilia (7-8 March). Terre di Toscana arrives to its third edition in 2010. Two days (7 and 8 March) devoted to the best Tuscanian wines in Lido di Camaiore, in Versilia, the coast near Lucca and Pisa.

More than 500 operators will create a peaceful and participatory atmosphere, offering their best products in free tastings. Almost all districts of Tuscan wine are represented, with different stylistic impulses that enrich them.

You will meet branded Maisons as well as local Vignerons, discovering secrets from rough viticulture to the technological reinterpretation of traditional natural flavours. The ingredients are all there, displaying quality every time.

Not only the best winemakers but also the best production in Tuscan cuisine are waiting for you. Terre di Toscana will be held again at UNA Hotel, on the promenade of Lido di Camaiore. A modern and elegant environment that allows you to feel the delicate sea breeze.

Tastings will start on Sunday, March 7, from 12 to 7 pm. Admission fee is € 20 and the tickets include a tasting cup and a nice cup holder pocket.

The program presents also a large dinner (h 21) with winemakers and their wines that costs € 50. Free tasting of over 150 labels representing all the manufacturers present are worth the price…

Tastings will go on also on Monday, March 8, from 11 to 6 pm. Lido di Camaiore is a pretty small tourist centre in Versilia. It is part of the territory of Camaiore, a nice town founded by Romans. In this season Versilia offers warm temperatures and low prices.

Here below is the complete list of partecipating companies. Go find yourself on the web where these producers are coming from. You will find special locations, secret positions and men who give life to these wines.

Altesino, Ambrogio e Giovanni Folonari Tenute, Ampeleia, Badia a Coltibuono, Baracchi, Barone Ricasoli, Boscarelli, Caiarossa, Capannelle, Casteldelpiano, Castell’in Villa, Castello di Bolgheri, Castello di Fonterutoli, Castello di Monsanto, Castello di Potentino, Castello di San Sano, Col di Bacche, ColleMassari, Conti Costanti, Domini Castellare di Castellina, Fattoria Ambra, Fattoria Corzano e Paterno, Fattoria di Montechiari, Fattoria San Pancrazio, Fattoria Selvapiana, Felsina, Fontodi, Giardini Ripadiversilia, Grattamacco, I Balzini, Il Borghetto, Isole e Olena, La Palazzetta, La Porta di Vertine, Macea, Montauto, Montebernardi, Montenidoli, Montepepe, Monteraponi, Montevertine, Montrasio – Il Colle, Siro Pacenti, Panizzi, Petra, Piaggia, Pian dell’Orino, Agostina Pieri, Pietroso, Podere Campriano, Podere Salicutti, Podere San Giacomo, Podere San Giuseppe-Stella di Campalto, Podere Còncori, Podere Fortuna, Podere Il Palazzino, Podere La Regola, Podere Scheggiolla, Poggio di Sotto, Poggio Grande, Querciabella, Riecine, Rocca di Castagnoli, Ruffino, Salustri, San Giusto a Rentennano, Sanlorenzo, Michele Satta, Sedime-Marco Capitoni, Sesti, Solatione, Tenimenti Angelini, Tenuta Argentiera, Tenuta Col d’Orcia, Tenuta di Belguardo, Tenuta di Collosorbo, Tenuta di Ghizzano, Tenuta di Valgiano, Tenuta Il Poggione, Tenuta Le Potazzine-Gorelli, Tenuta Lenzini, Tenuta Podernovo, Tenuta PoggioVerrano, Tenuta San Guido, Tenute Guicciardini Strozzi, Tenute Niccolai-Palagetto, Terenzuola, Tiezzi, Uccelliera, Val delle Corti, Vecchie Terre di Montefili, Ventolaio, Vignamaggio, Villa di Geggiano, Villa Petriolo.

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