Apartments & Rooms

Enjoying your holidays in Tuscany whit all the amenities that a house could guarantee could be  the easiest and cheapest way.

In Pisa, Lucca, Siena, Arezzo and Firenze, from the mountain to the sea, from the wonderful hills of Chianti, trough the fascinating landscapes of Valdorcia, to the fantastic seaside of Giglio and Elba islands.

Apartment rentals in Tuscany are various and differentiated. It might be suitable for a family of three or more people to live all together instead of living in separated hotel rooms. With a equipped kitchen you will have also the possibility to try traditional recipes, starting from real ingredients bought directly in the food markets.

Apartments accommodation in Tuscany regards self catering apartments from private owners. In many rural and beautiful areas old farmhouses, cottages, medieval fortifications have been transformed into  apartments.

Generally these buildings are divided into parts, so they can give hospitality to groups from 2 to 6 people (accomodations for larger groups can be found in Villas page).

They usually have got swimming pool surrounded by a beautiful garden and a wonderful landscape like this of the Tuscany countryside. These places like Chianti, Lucchesia, Terre di Siena are just few minutes away from the most famous art cities (Siena, Florence, Pisa, Lucca).

Apartments are widely available in the cities too, new flats just outside city centres or typical accommodations in unique apartments in the old towns.

It is amazing to spend your holiday in a real old house, recently renewed, that comes from Middle Ages or Renaissance period. Old houses that have been restored with original materials.

Generally apartments are available for a minimal period of 3 days, but many house owners prefer to rent for a whole week. In high season you have to book early because this kind of independent accommodations are wanted.

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