Visit Arezzo in Tuscany

Visit Arezzo in Tuscany. Tourists that visit Arezzo for the first time, other than the Petrarca monument, will find splendid churches like Santa Maria della Pieve (12-13th Century), the gothic complex of San Domenico that is custody to the Crocifisso ligneo by Cimabue and the church of San Francesco where you can see the “Leggenda della Vera Croce” by Piero della Francesca, one of the most important by an Italian artist.

Santa Maria delle Grazie, house of Vasari, with the annexe Vasarian museum and the Archeological Museum merits a stop.

Arezzo, ideal for city breaks, organises many events during the course of the year, which commences with the “International Concorso Polifonico Guido d’Arezzo”. Every first Sunday of the month there is the Antiques Market, while the third Sunday of June and the first of September you can assist at the “Giostra del Saracino” held in the Piazza Grande on the first Sunday of September, a type of medieval tournament lined up by various districts of the city with costumed processions and jousting.

But Arezzo is also privileged for every type of excursion. Cortona, an important Etruscan town with a superb view of the valley of Lake Trasimeno, over Umbria. From these parts, in the summer evenings and under the starred sky, you can assist at the “Bruscello”, a former rhyme recital theatre where figures in epoch costumes narrate the historic legends of the town. On of the most famous is that which relates the adventures of Santa Margherita.

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