
Say it in Tuscan – Popular wisdom on iPhone

Say it in Tuscan – Popular wisdom on iPhone. Say it in Tuscany is a new killer application containing many popular sayings in the dialect of Tuscany. Proverbs, anecdotes, folkloristic sentences still used and vivid.

Tuscan languages came back from Dante’s time and had generated contemporary Italian language.

Italian history tells us that the writer Alessandro Manzoni from Milan washed his clothes in the river Arno in Florence. That’s to say he used many words, sentences and grammatical tips of the Tuscan language.

His famous novel I Promessi SposiThe Betrothed is considered the most important book of Italian literature and the literary work more representative of the Italian unifying process called Risorgimento.

The stories of Renzo, Lucia, the  Nameless and the Nun of Monza have contributed to spread a national language largely based on linguistic rules of Tuscany.

Nowadays Tuscan language is widely known all over Italy because it’s joyful, direct and ironic. The sentences you’ll find in this application are the funniest, most irreverent sayings ever collected.

After you’ve found them on your ipod, accessing to a phrasary of over 600 sayings and idioms in Tuscan, you have the ability to share them on Facebook.

For those who knows a little of italian, it will be no difficult to understand these phrases. Tuscan it’s just a little different from Italian.

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