
Enjoy a Renaissance dinner eating at the Borghese Palace

Enjoy a Renaissance dinner eating at the Borghese Palace. While you are in Florence, do not miss the chance to enjoy a typical Renaissance dinner, hosted in a charming place, the Borghese Palace, where you will be able to feel the charming atmosphere.

Take part in the rich banquet, which is fully served by waiters dressed in original Renaissance costumes, giving you the idea of being a true ancient noble of that age.

A 4-course meal and fine Florentine wines are waiting for you, as well as the so-called corte in Italian, which used to be composed by musicians, dancers and jester.

You will see two players, having harp, flute, a soprano singer, two dancing couples and a jester, ready to jump around the tables trying to involve you, while hearing some music of that time.

During the 2 hours, from 8 pm to 10 pm, you will be able to taste the typical life of the Ancient Florentines, who had banquets all over the time during the 15th Century.

Moreover, as guests, you will not be simple spectators, but you will have the possibility to play the role of the main characters, dressing the original clothes and learning some easy ballet steps in order to be able to dance.

At the end of the night, before you leave, you will receive a precious personalized parchment with the palace emblem on it, as a memory of your participation to this unforgettable ancient court night.

Do not waste your time, book now a dinner and have fun! Check out the dates according to the current month: the show is available on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from April to October, and on Wednesdays only from November to March.

And keep in mind that the Borghese Palace is a great location where many Italians decide to organize their wedding or to celebrate a very special occasion.

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