Spas in Tuscany

Spas in Tuscany. When we refers to Spa in Tuscany we are speaking about the best thermal baths and the best treatments in Europe.  Resorts spread all over the region but most spots are located near thermal sources.

The charming beauty of Grotta Giusti in Monsummano Terme, the relaxing pools of Venturina, touched by the sea breeze, the ancient village of Bagno Vignoni, where etruscan baths are still working.

Then Bagni San Filippo at the slopes of Monte Amiata, with its unique magnesium waters, Chianciano Terme, widely known for the curative properties of its waters and Bagni di Lucca, the first equipped thermal station in Europe, that gave hospitality to many nobles, poets and artist at the beginning of the past century.

Those are just few of a total of more than 40 thermal spas, everyone with different types of waters and thermal mud. Spas in Tuscany unify wellness modern technology with a tradition born in etruscan and roman times.

Everyone of you who is searching for a healthy holiday will sure find here his own paradise.Tuscan spas are often situated in precious buildings coming from the past. Prestigious hotels combine wellness centres with dynamic solutions for modern tourists.

These are very innovative and professional structures that offer a broad array of treatments, for pleasure and wellness and for pathologies’ cures related to rheumatism, physical traumas and respiratory infections.

Tuscan thermal spas rely on the experience of highly qualified therapist and doctors, as long as wellness culture has been developed here during the last century.

The fantastic Tuscan landscape completes the treatment, giving joy to your eyes and regenerating your mind.

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