
Tasting the Medieval cuisine in Italy

Tasting the Medieval cuisine in Italy. How many times have you read about or studied the Middle Ages? Italy is the perfect country where to see the ruins and some old building, but, moreover, to taste the cuisine people had back in that time.

Let me tell you it’s a big mistake if you think about it without variety or fantasy. In fact, as it is shown by some very old documents which survived still nowadays, several different dishes were prepared in 1326, when the nobleman from Siena Francesco di Messer Sozzo was named knight.

Chefs had to prepare a big banquet on Christmas Eve and peopleate the “giengevo”, a ginger dish, as the name suggests, and “bromangieri in iscodella”, which consisted in soups made with pasta. They were served as starters, before the main course, basically roasted beef, wild boar, deer, hares, capons, partridges, peacocks and pheasants.

People enjoyed them with different kind of bread and lots of bottles of red one, as the document says. As for desserts, they could choose between marzipan cakes and sweets.

Why don’t try again these Tuscan specialities, especially if you are visiting the region? It would be such a pity not to try them, so sign this name down: the Gallo Nero Restaurant.

Located in the center of Siena, near Piazza del Campo, this place offers you a very tasty Medieval menu. The dishes are faithful to the original ones, thanks to the studies of some professors and students of the University of Siena, who wanted to recreate not only the same food, but also the same habits and traditions typical of the Medieval times.

That is why, for example, the tablecloth is white: this color was considered the symbol of purity, which was mandatory in order to prepare the meal. The sign of the Gallo Nero Restaurant is then inspired by the one commissioned by the owner of a local tavern and designed by a Sienese carpenter during the 15th century.

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