
The Lactating Madonna in Siena

The Lactating Madonna in Siena. Art lovers, if you are in Tuscany in these days, do not miss the unique chance to see Ambrogio Lorenzetti’s Lactating Madonna, one of the most important masterpiece of Medieval art, not only at the Italian level, but also at the European one.

Until January 31, 2014, the Crypt under the Duomo in Siena is hosting the famous painting, which will be displayed there since the place where it is held, the Diocesan Museum of Sacred Art at the Oratory of San Bernardino, is closed during winter.

Since the artist is considered one of the greatest one in Italy able to humanize sacredness, the Opera Civita group decided to create this special event, in order to share this precious painting on wood showing the Holy Mary breastfeeding Jesus.

Moreover, during the event, there are several activities organized to conquer visitors, tourists and art lovers. According to the rich program, offered, in fact, people will be able to participate in guided visits both in Italian and English (maybe it is also possible to have them in other languages, check on the website or send an e-mail asking it) which will describe all the works hosted in the Cathedral and in the Opera Museum.

Some of the most amazing masterpieces visitors will see are the polyptych by Gregorio di Cecco, the Lactating Madonna by Paolo di Giovanni Fei, and the majestic Piccolomini Altar by Andrea Bregno. This is one the favorite ones of the tourists, due to the fact that some of the sculptures which decorate it are by Michelangelo. A name that rings a bell, doesn’t it?

In order to have more information, contact the Opera Civita Group by phone at (+39)0577 286300 or by e.mail at

The Lactating Madonna

Crypt under the Dome
December 1 2013 – January 31, 2014
Sunday-Saturday from 10:30 am to 5:30 pm

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